Kakutani is a one-woman kamikaze. She disdains white male authors, and I'm her number-one favorite target. One of her cheap tricks is to bring out your review two weeks in advance of publication. She trashes it just to hurt sales and embarrass the author . . . But the Times' editors can't fire her. They're terrified of her. With discrimination rules and such, well, she's a threefer: Asiatic, feminist and, ah, what's the third? Well, let's just call her a twofer. They get two for one. She is a token. And, deep down, she probably knows it." (link)
What a ball of slime. This is about as sinister and twisted as it gets -- classic race-baiting. I'm surprised he didn't also throw in some slurs about sushi, cheap cars, or schoolgirl uniforms. At least he witheld the obligatory "go back to where you came from" comment.
If you want better reviews, Mr. Mailer, write better books. And if you don't like what the reviewer writes, find fault with her judgment, not her ethnic background.
Ah well, I didn't think very highly of Norman Mailer to begin with.