There's a new biography of e.e. cummings.
I think people have known for a while that there's more to cummings than a cutesy poet who didn't use punctuation properly, and who insisted on having his name written in lower-case letters. We haven't really had a solid explanation for all the strange, mysterious creations he is responsible for (there are hundreds of poems in his collected works). As a result, we are mainly stuck with "Anyone lived in a pretty how town", and this tricky little anti-war, anti-patriotism poem.
I'll look forward to finding something stronger to grab onto.
Incidentally, there are links to many of cummings's poems here, here, here (includes audio samples of cummings reading), and here.
Meanwhile, Erin O'Connor has posted a cummings poem that has quite a bit of depth and complexity to it. It is, if you'll permit the intrusion of physics, a kind of poetic tesseract: four dimensions, the extension of space, the interpenetation of space and time.
I took a stab at an interpretation in the comments. Am I right?