From The Guardian (thanks Punjabi Boy):
An immediate answer to yesterday's G2 front page teaser: has Britain lost its sense of humour? The answer is a clear no, at least judging from the new T-shirts being worn by young Asians on the underground, which display the slogan: "Don't freak, I'm a Sikh". We'll give top marks to the joke writer for that one and (for some obscure reason) the tale has also prompted a very loosely connected thought: does anybody know what happened to the Guardian Angels? Unlike funny Sikhs, you don't see too many on the tube these days. Surely they're missing a fantastic marketing opportunity?
Also a bit about it in The Mirror:
In a humorous, totally British response, some Sikhs have started wearing stickers on their rucksacks and bags bearing the legend: "Don't freak, I'm a Sikh."
Every day, millions of Londoners still use the Tube. But more people are walking to work, taxis are far harder to come by and most prefer to sit downstairs on the bus.
Suddenly the roads of London resemble Beijing, swarming with bicycles.
You stop at the traffic lights and all these born-again cyclists surround you, wobbling all over the place.
They must be nuts.
In London, you are infinitely safer on the Tube than you are on a bike.
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And music critic Siddhartha Mitter had a nice Op-Ed type commentary on NPR a couple of days ago. It turns into a meditation on turbans...