Ack, classes start next week at Lehigh, and there are 20 things I meant to do this summer that aren't done.
Meanwhile, I just did my last Sepia Mutiny post. Phew. Just trying to keep up the pace there totally took over my normal blogging routine.
So for any readers who were slightly miffed that basically everything I've posted here in the past month has been a cross-post, miff no more. I also have some non-South Asia related posts I want to do, though they've been on the backburner since I went 'Sepia'.
Oh, and here's a little link for you: the Midival Punditz, a Delhi-based Asian underground band, were on NPR last week. Here is the interview. Their CD, Midival Times, is readily available in World Music sections in Borders, and on Amazon as well as Itunes. I was listening to it a lot over the weekend, and definitely recommend it.