Four of the last six national spelling bee competitions have been won by Indian Americans. Clearly, if the Japanese have Yakuza, and the Irish have 'Westies', we have a spelling mafia.
Four winners: Nupur Lala (1999), George Abraham Thampy (2000), Pratyush Buddiga (2002), and Sai Gunturi (2003). Nine words: xanthosis vivisepulture euonym chiaroscurist logorrhea demarche succedaneum prospicience pococurante autochthonous (1995-2004)
Interestingly, chiaroscuro, logorrhea, and autochthonous are humanities-ish words. (I would have gotten them, though I'm a little too old, I know.) And vivisepulture and pococurante are pretty easy.
Logorrhea: think diarrhea of language. (SEE: blogosphere)